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What We Do

EyeQ Research provides consulting services to innovators and investors in eye care: Financial modeling and business valuation, proprietary market research, due diligence, and strategic advisory.


Our services support support a variety of strategic transactions: M&A, fundraising activities, investment decisions, and business development initiatives.

Our clients include company boards and management teams, institutional investors, and strategic acquirers.

We work across multiple device and pharmaceutical market segments in eye care, including cataract and refractive surgery, glaucoma, retina, cornea, and vision care.

Financial Modeling and Business Valuation
  • Fact-based, highly referenced market models, supported by proprietary market research and comprehensive data gathering
  • Top-down revenue forecasts incorporating total available market size and growth, relevant market segmentation, technology adoption/penetration, pricing, and competing products, including multiple scenarios
  • Bottom-up revenue forecasts based on company sales and marketing resources
  • Quantification of potential revenue synergies for strategic acquirers
  • Valuation analysis based on proprietary models and forecasts
Proprietary Market Research
  • In-depth interviews, surveys, and focus groups
  • Projects involving eye care professionals, administrators, payors, and patients
  • Proven methodologies that deliver actionable insights into the most critical factors (clinical, technical, financial) impacting the success of a company or product 
  • Unbiased, independent research to help clients make informed, data-driven decisions
Due Diligence for Acquirers and Investors
  • Market size and growth rate; overall market opportunity
  • Current clinical practice and unmet clinical need
  • Technical and clinical feasibility, including critical evaluation of clinical data
  • Regulatory, reimbursement, and competitive environment
Strategic Advisory for Eye Care Innovators
  • Fundraising support, including investment case development, investor presentations, and business plans
  • Marketing and corporate strategies
  • Exit strategies
  • For strategic acquirers, development of M&A strategy and identification of potential targets
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